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Unbundled Virtual Family Office: Redefining Wealth Management

In an era marked by rapid technological advancement and changing client needs, the traditional model of wealth management is undergoing a profound transformation. Enter the concept of the unbundled virtual family office (UVFO), a dynamic approach to wealth management that offers tailored solutions to affluent individuals and families.

With the creation of the first UVFO in 2006, Susan and Tom Tillery have been at the forefront of this innovative paradigm shift. Susan and Tom Tillery are distinguished figures in wealth management whose expertise in personal financial planning and technology integration is reshaping the landscape of wealth advisory services.

Susan Tillery, MAcc, CPA/PFS (Personal Financial Specialist), AEP (Distinguished) a thought leader in the CPA personal financial planning community and Tom Tillery, MA Ed, MSFS, AEP (Distinguished), CFP ®, an acclaimed financial educator, bring a wealth of experience and insight to the realm of the unbundled virtual family office.

Together, they champion the UVFO model, which provides clients with access to a curated suite of financial services, ranging from investment management to estate planning, without the constraints of a traditional brick-and-mortar establishment.

This flexible and scalable approach empowers clients with a high-level multi-disciplinary team of advisers tailored to their unique needs, while harnessing the latest technological tools to streamline communication and collaboration.

The UVFO model offers several key advantages over traditional wealth management structures. By unbundling services, clients have the freedom to select only those offerings that align with their priorities, thereby optimizing cost-effectiveness and resource allocation. Moreover, the virtual nature of the family office facilitates seamless integration with clients’ busy lifestyles, enabling anytime, anywhere access to financial insights and advice.

Central to the success of the UVFO model is the Tillerys’ commitment to harnessing cutting-edge technology to enhance the client experience. Through innovative digital platforms and data-driven analytics, they empower clients to make informed decisions and track progress toward their financial goals in real-time. Additionally, Susan and Tom Tillery prioritize ongoing education and communication, ensuring that clients remain well-informed and engaged throughout their financial journey.

As the demand for personalized wealth management solutions continues to grow, the unbundled virtual family office emerges as a compelling alternative to traditional advisory models. By leveraging technology and expertise, Susan and Tom Tillery are reshaping the way affluent individuals and families approach personal financial management. Through their visionary leadership and commitment to innovation, they are not only redefining the client-advisor relationship but also setting a new standard for excellence in the ever-evolving field of wealth advisory services.

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